Regaining Control: 5 Tips to Calm Obsessive OCD Thoughts

by Katherine Pica LCSW

Did you remember to turn off the space heater? Was the front door locked before you left? Did you reply to that email before you left work for the day? Was the garage door closed? Did you leave the oven on?

If thoughts like the ones listed above keep you up at night, you may be experiencing symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD.

It’s time to regain control. Here are 5 tips to calm those obsessive OCD thoughts.

1. Stay Present

Try to ground yourself in the present moment. OCD thoughts can make you spend a lot of your time in your head living in the past or obsessing over the future.

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, ‘How the heck do I keep myself from thinking about the past or future?’ I hear you, and I’m here to help. The answer is that this does take practice and learning so we start to approach this step by step. 

The first step is to try a grounding technique like meditation or deep breathing. Breathing techniques can help train the mind to stay in the present moment.  When an OCD thought comes up you turn your attention back to your breath.  The goal in mindfulness skills is not to have a clear or blank mind but it is to practice shifting your attention away from the obsessive thought and back to your breath and present moment.  You can start with breathing exercises.   There are many different types of meditation and deep breathing techniques, so you can try a bunch of different ones to find out which one works best for you. 

For now, try this out: 

  • Sit in a comfortable, upright position.

  • Inhale for 4 seconds.

  • Exhale for 7 seconds.

  • Repeat for a few minutes.

2. Go for a Walk Outside

Exercise is proven to help boost your mental health. Plus, a change of scenery can do wonders for you. Go for a walk outside and enjoy nature and the outdoors. Getting your body moving and being outside will not only put you in a better mood, but it will also help take your mind off of those OCD and obsessive thoughts.

3. Practice self compassion

So often as an OCD therapist I hear so many really struggling with self kindness.  We as humans really tend to he hard on ourselves however for the OCD sufferer this harshness just makes everything so much worse. In OCD treatment we start to acknowledge that we are really going through a hard time and start to learn to take steps to be kind to ourselves, and our overall mood can really improve.  How can we work towards self compassion?  When we hear that critical voice we can pause and say this is really hard right now.  Self compassion takes practice and working toward being kinder towards ourselves in a great step in OCD treatment 

4. Practice Mindfulness Techniques

When working with OCD we want to learn to allow the obsession to be there and still be able to continue to act as if they are not. What does that mean ? OCD feels so strong? But can you work on shifting your attention elsewhere?  Yes, the OCD obsession will still be there but you can learn to gently shift your focus elsewhere.  As an OCD therapist when I work with clients for OCD treatment, we always learn mindfulness skills. 

5. Seek Treatment from an OCD therapist 

OCD is  very difficult to navigate because it causes intrusive, often unpleasant, unwanted thoughts. Even if these thoughts feel out of your control at times there really is hope.  You may feel ashamed or even embarrassed about them. Finding a therapist who understands and specializes in OCD treatment is so important.  I am an OCD therapist who provides a safe, non-judgmental space where you can share and explore your thoughts and behaviors. I’ve heard it all—nothing will shock me. My clients often feel freed from the heavy burden of their thoughts after hearing that I understand what they are going through.  And after hearing what they are struggling with is part of the OCD process and there is hope and treatment available.

As an OCD therapist our first few sessions together, we will get comfortable with each other as I learn more about your experience with OCD. With OCD therapy I will be conducting an assessment to get an accurate diagnosis, we can formulate an appropriate treatment plan for you. The best form of treatment is Exposure and Response Prevention, ERP. If you seek help at Resilience Counseling we will be using ERP for OCD treatment. We will decide the goals you want to accomplish in therapy together. There is so much hope in seeking OCD treatment.  As an OCD therapist I have helped so many OCD clients overcome the hold that OCD has on them.  

If you are ready to take the first step in getting help with your OCD, please contact us so we can set up a free, 15-minute consultation today. 


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