What is ERP Therapy & How Does it Treat OCD?


By Katherine Pica LCSW

Anxiety therapy Resilience Counseling

Worries of contamination or germs. Washing your hands or using hand sanitizer excessively. Checking doors, lights, ovens, facets  and locks repeatedly. Intrusive or unwanted thoughts or images. Doing things in a certain way until it feels right. These can be signs and symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

No matter what your obsessions or compulsions may be, OCD is rarely resolved on its own. Whether you have tried traditional talk therapy before or just beginning your search for the best treatment, it’s good to know that there are other options for you. Let’s learn more about ERP therapy and how it can be used to treat OCD.

What is ERP Therapy?

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy is a form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) developed to treat OCD. This type of therapy was specifically designed to help people who were showing signs of obsessions and compulsions. 

Although traditional talk therapy and ERP therapy may both be used to treat OCD, they do have some key differences between the two approaches. 

Traditional therapy usually involves discussing how you feel and act. ERP therapy focuses more on doing or facing your fears.

How Can ERP Therapy Treat OCD?

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy is considered one of the most effective treatments for OCD. ERP is the current method of treatment that has the most research behind it.  Research studies have shown that it is 60-80% effective in reducing symptoms of OCD.  ERP therapy is most commonly used to treat individuals who show signs or symptoms of OCD. This type of therapy provides individuals with the tools and skills they need to better control their OCD symptoms. Let’s look into the key parts involved during ERP Therapy and how they can help treat OCD.

The Supported approach of feared experiences

When working with an OCD therapist we will work together to build a list of the things that we could do to push against your OCD.  Bit by bit we will tackle them in a compassionate and thoughtful way.  This step in the ERP therapy process involves gradual exposure to certain situations, objects, thoughts, or images that would normally provoke obsessions or anxiety. An ERP session provides you with coping techniques so that they don’t need to perform a compulsion. Eventually the goal is that you  will be able to perform your own ERP exercises to help manage their own symptoms.

Exposure and Response Prevention

The Response Prevention portion of ERP therapy involves not acting on any compulsive behaviors when exposed to certain triggers.  When working together we will work to confront your obsessions and anxiety instead of acting  on the compulsions. Its funny because compulsions may make you feel better in the moment but unfortunately long term they are growing OCD.  So the goal is really to reduce and then eliminate compulsions so we are no longer feeding your OCD. When working with an OCD therapist they will be able to help guide you to delay or tweak any rituals or compulsions when faced with the obsession. 

Learning OCD treatment

This is a necessary step during ERP Therapy. During a session, individuals will learn that they are able to handle the anxiety that comes up and also they may learn that the thing they were fearing did not happen.    They will also learn not to rely on their compulsions to counteract how they’re feeling. This process will teach them how to spend less time and energy avoiding these negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions and how to deal with them head-on.

Finding an ERP Therapist  

If you or a loved one is struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), it’s important to reach out for help from an OCD therapist  as soon as possible, as symptoms can worsen over time. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy may be a great option for you or a loved one if you’re looking towards that as a treatment option for OCD. 

ERP -OCD Therapist in San Diego 

Reach out to us today to set up a consultation. We will work with you to determine which treatment plan is best for you and your needs. There is so much hope in OCD treatment.  We have worked with so many to overcome the grip that OCD has on their life.  Contact us today! 

Anxiety Therapy and OCD therapy that is located In Person San Diego, CA


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