What is Harm OCD & How to Know if You Have It


by Katherine Pica LCSW

Resilience Counseling therapy and treatment for Anxiety and OCD

What if I stab them? What if I snap and go crazy? What if I punched them? This thought makes me so scared! What type of person would have a thought like this? What if I just lose it and do it? What if I just go crazy. 

You try not to think about the knives in your kitchen or the scissors in your office. You may even hide or avoid touching knives and scissors.  You may have even considered getting rid of them completely. You’re constantly worried about hurting someone else or yourself and what that would mean about you as a person.

Let’s learn more about Harm OCD and how to know if you have it.

What is Harm OCD?

Harm OCD is a type of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,   that causes unwanted images, thoughts, or urges about harming oneself and/or someone else. A common feature of OCD is fixating on the things that are most important to someone. So if their loved ones are very important then OCD could be focused on “What if I harm them?”

Harm OCD makes people doubt themselves, which can cause them to have even more anxiety. For example, a new mom struggling with Harm OCD may think about possibly dropping their new baby. Despite the unconditional love they have for their child, Harm OCD will make them question if they actually want to drop the child. They may even start wondering if they’re going to hurt their child.

People with this type of OCD often believe that their thoughts are how they actually want to act. They’re worried that a sudden urge will cause them to actually act upon something.

What if this is not Harm OCD and I really want to hurt people

Well here is the difference: people that really want to hurt people do not worry about hurting others.  It does not cause them fear and dread. They are not likely to seek help for those urges.   As an OCD therapist that works with treating harm OCD I often hear my clients really have a lot of distress from the thought.  That worry and distress is very different from someone who really wants to harm other people.  I always ask my OCD clients up front do you really want to harm them? The answer is always No, but what if?  The what if is often indicative of OCD. If you think you are struggling with harm OCD it is important to seek help from an OCD therapist. An OCD therapist would be able to fully assess and figure out an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms of Harm OCD

Just like other forms of OCD, Harm OCD has associated signs and symptoms. The obsessions and compulsions with Harm OCD often worry that the individual will hurt someone else or themselves on accident or on purpose.

Here are a few of the symptoms of Harm OCD:

  • Aggressive what if thoughts.

  • Seeing images of violence.

  • Constantly worrying about acting on their thoughts.

  • Fixation on being responsible for causing harm.

  • Terrified of what their impulses could cause them to do.

  • Fear they don’t actually know their true self.

Here are a few of the common compulsions or rituals associated with Harm OCD:

  • Hiding objects they would classify as dangerous to avoid temptation (knives, chemicals, medicine, etc.).

  • Ruminating about their thoughts and actions to see if they did or could have caused any harm to themselves or others.

  • Avoid things that could be triggering, such as TV, movies, or news stations.

  • Avoiding knives or sharp objects

  • Avoid being alone with loved ones or family members 

  • Avoiding people that trigger Harm OCD

  • Constantly researching crimes to see if they share any similar features or personality traits with the criminals.

  • Seeking  reassurance from friends, family, and other loved ones by asking if they think they could hurt someone.

  • Questioning themselves, their thoughts, and their actions.

Get connected to an OCD therapist - OCD San Diego 

Are you or a loved one struggling with negative thoughts or worried you may hurt yourself or someone else? It is important to get connected to an OCD therapist to help.  Unfortunately many have been misdiagnosed who suffer from Harm OCD.  A trained OCD therapist will be able to fully assess your struggles and give you an accurate diagnosis.  If you think you or your loved one might have harm OCD please reach out to a trained OCD therapist.  

Harm OCD is scary and painful but very different from actual violence.  When those who struggle with Harm OCD are actually worried. OCD comes from a place that is actually trying to protect others rather than harm them.  It is important to seek help from an OCD therapist and get an evaluation to get an accurate diagnosis. 

Working with an OCD therapist who will help listen to your thoughts, feelings, and emotions without any judgment. OCD Therapy is a great way to get all of your thoughts and emotions out in the open to an unbiased third party. The best treatment for Harm OCD is working with an OCD therapist who specializes in Exposure and Response Prevention. 

How to find an OCD therapist for Harm OCD San Diego 

Harm OCD is a common form of OCD, which means treatment options exist. Even if you have tried other forms of therapy I would encourage you to give therapy a try with a specialized and trained OCD therapist.  You don’t have to continue hiding. 

You do not have to suffer alone, there is help available.  We have helped many individuals that have suffered with Harm OCD and can help you too.  Offering in person sessions in San Diego and video sessions all over California.  Contact us to set up a free 15 minute phone call!


OCD therapy and other types of treatment
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