OCD Therapy Katherine Pica OCD Therapy Katherine Pica

What is sensorimotor OCD or hyperawareness OCD? 

Hyperawareness or Sensorimotor OCD is where a significant amount of attention is spent thinking about body functions or sensations. Often these sessions are unconscious but with this type of OCD the brain gets stuck focusing on them. If you are struggling with this form of OCD it can feel impossible to pull your attention away from them.

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OCD Therapy Katherine Pica OCD Therapy Katherine Pica

Staring OCD or Visual Tourettic OCD (VTO)

Most people are more familiar with OCD when it comes to contamination OCD where people struggle with the fear of contamination or germs.  Staring OCD is when you feel out of control and unable to stop staring or looking at other people.  The fear can often be that “people will think I am weird or a creep.”   “I don’t want to make people uncomfortable.”

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OCD Therapy Katherine Pica OCD Therapy Katherine Pica

OCD Therapy - San Diego, CA

Getting treatment for OCD is so important but it can be hard to find the right type of help! Getting connected with an OCD therapist who is trained in ERP is a very important step in the right direction!

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